
Letting Go. 

Kejadian yang terjadi beberapa hari terakhir agak weird. Happened in the different places yet somehow it was connected to each other and it drilled me into something cliche, letting go of something that has happened. 

Everything happens for a reason. Cliche but you have to believe this. It's alright to hope something to appear as we want it, tapi kalo all those things don't appear as so, we have to have a big heart to accept that not everything happens as we want but they happen for one reason. Letting go of everything that dissapoint you, letting go of everyhting that hurts you, letting go of remorse. Memang susah membangun hati yang kuat untuk menerima dan melepaskan apa yang harus di terima dan apa yang harus dilepaskan. 

Tapi kita harus belajar.

Dear one of my best-friend, you. 

There are lots of things happen in your life, you can always have the right to complain or to be mad. But I'm amazed that you never or at least, you are grateful more than complaining. And I'm proud. This is what I want you to always remember, people will always disappoint you. People will always hurt you no matter what. I know I've told you this for million times but I just wanna remind you that even me can hurt you sometimes. When I say people, it means everybody. 

Now, even we're mad as hell to them, we need to grow up and swallow the truth that they are just another ordinary people that can break someone's heart. 

I promise you, you're gonna be alright and 5 of your another best-friends would never leave you no matter what we do or what we say. 


A Letter Has  Been Written, 
Abigail June Papilaya. 

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