

It's been awhile, eh? So many things happened and I couldn't manage the time to drop another post lately but here I am so...

It's less than a month before I turn into 23, time flies who can't resist lol and there is one thing that I've just come to realize : I haven't really grown up. Booooo! You can tell from the way I handle things or from the way I react to something, scho' embarrassing. 

Ok this post isn't about me, It's more about


I have come to realize that just because you grow old doesn't necessarily mean you grow up and to grow up doesn't have to wait until you grow old. It's more like a decision you get to make by yourself. You can't expect, "Oh, by the time I turn into 30 I will be mature and handle things wisely, we just do" No, darling. Besides, you might turn into a pathetic because you rely on time, you think time would change you. Big mistake. 

Or people (including me) sometimes don't realize that they haven't grown up, enough. They think they've much of a fully grown and the way they handle things is alright, they react wisely and stuff. These kind of people that would have a hard time to grow. Like, how are you going to grow up to be maturer if you think you're mature enough already?

BUT, just because you give the wrong reaction over something or just because you don't handle your predicaments wisely,once in a while, that doesn't mean you are not a grown up. People do mistake sometimes and it's normal. It's normal to be over-reacting, it's normal that you don't always handle things rightfully, it's normal that sometimes you don't think before you say something or you do something, it's human. What makes it wrong is that you do it over and over and over and over again and you don't realize that it is a mistake. 

AND, just because you grow up doesn't mean you can't have fun, you just know your priorities and realize what your goals in life. It doesn't mean you can't go do something crazy or random, of course you can, you will just have to learn to manage when to do it or where to do it or with whom you want to do it. 

Growing old is mandatory, growing up somehow remains optional.

Abigail June

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